Home News Airport IPsens Brings the World’s Most Advanced Parking Management System to San Diego International Airport

IPsens Brings the World’s Most Advanced Parking Management System to San Diego International Airport

IPsens announced that it has installed the world’s most advanced cloud-based parking management suite at the new Terminal 2 Garage at San Diego International Airport. The open IP system manages 1,170 surface mounted parking guidance sensors that constantly monitor occupancy and guide travelers directly to available rooftop parking spaces. The sensors are integrated with the general parking management system through a cloud based software interface, developed by IPsens, which manages the garage’s rooftop sensors and parking guidance systems.

The garage’s open IP system is what sets the San Diego International Airport parking technology suite apart. Typically, parking management technology only runs with proprietary software installed by the technology provider. As a result, the technology can only operate within the constraints designed into the software. San Diego International Airport’s open IP software package will allow the airport and its technology staff and consultants to work together to constantly improve the software and the technology it’s managing, permitting the software to adapt to the airport’s evolving parking management needs.

“Open IP is the future of parking software,” said Gorm Tuxen, president of IPsens. “The beauty of the open IP approach—beyond improving the operations of a single piece of equipment or technology suite—is that it encourages sharing among parking organizations and their technology gurus. Airports and other parking owners can explore, experiment, and share the results of those experiments to create innovative new ways to utilize different types of equipment.”

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