Home News Airport Macau International Airport Carbon Emissions Reduced by 28.7% Receives ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation for the Fifth-Consecutive Year

Macau International Airport Carbon Emissions Reduced by 28.7% Receives ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation for the Fifth-Consecutive Year

To realize the Green Airport strategy, Macau International Airport (MIA) has joined the Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) Programme launched by Airports Council International (ACI) since 2014 and MIA has just renewed its accreditation at Level 2 “Reduction” for the fifth-consecutive year.

ACA Programme is the only institutionally endorsed carbon management certification standard for airports world-wide. Under this Programme, MIA has set up a 5-year Carbon Management Plan (2014 – 2018) covering the areas of energy efficiency, fuel efficiency, waste management with the specific target of “Reduce Carbon Emissions per Aircraft Movement by 20% in 2018 from 2012 Level”.

MIA had exceeded its target and was able to cut its carbon emissions by 28.7% last year as compared to 2012. Such achievement was mostly attributed to the implementation of improvement projects in the past few years, including massive replacement of conventional lighting units with LED in various areas of passenger terminal and airfield; replacement of fleet with environmentally-friendly vehicles; upgrade of the baggage handling system; installation of green walls; finding opportunities to reduce electricity consumption by performing thorough energy audit; recycling of food wastes etc.

It is a long term commitment of MIA to tackle and reduce its impact to the environment. Another Carbon Management Plan will be set up soon.

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