Home News Airport Pascall+Watson Appointed to Transform Stansted Airport

Pascall+Watson Appointed to Transform Stansted Airport

Having successfully developed the concept design for London Stansted Airport’s new £130m Arrivals Terminal and redevelopment of the existing terminal, Pascall+Watson have been appointed by MAG (Manchester Airports Group owners of Stansted Airport) to the next phase of the airport’s £600m Transformation Programme.

Source: Pascall+Watson Ltd.

Our scope includes the development and delivery of our concept design for the 34,000m² arrivals terminal, which uniquely relocates all arrivals functions to a separate state-of-the art facility. The bespoke design complements the architecture of the existing building, which will be reconfigured into a dedicated departures only terminal. This will include the expansion of the check-in, security and retail areas, along with a new airside coaching facility, aircraft stands, taxiway infrastructure and car parking facilities.

Our design for the new arrivals terminal provides a high quality passenger environment with an enhanced immigration and baggage reclaim area, spacious arrivals concourse and a welcoming public forecourt.

The concept for the arrivals terminal focuses on a modular sky-lit roof floating above generous double height spaces. The soffit design reflects the single directional nature of the facility, which combined with the building’s functional planning, provides an intuitive passenger journey.

Our contribution to the Stansted Transformation Programme supports the airport’s future growth and will transform the travelling experience for millions of people passing through the airport.

Pascall+Watson have been involved in Stansted’s evolution for almost 30 years. We have completed numerous schemes of varying scale and complexity with services ranging from masterplanning, airport planning, concept, detail and production design, wayfinding and construction support.

Paul Willis, Programme Delivery Director for the Stansted Transformation Programme, said:

“Pascall+Watson have already played a key role in the Stansted Transformation Programme, so we’re delighted to announce they have been appointed to develop the design for phases two and three”

“Over the next five years, we’re investing £600 million at Stansted, which will see the biggest upgrade in passenger facilities at the airport since the iconic Sir Norman Foster terminal opened in 1991. This investment will transform the experience for millions of passengers and help unlock Stansted’s spare runway capacity, providing passengers with a wider choice of airlines and destinations”

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