Home News Airport MIAT Mongolian Airlines joins the Board of Airline Representatives in Germany

MIAT Mongolian Airlines joins the Board of Airline Representatives in Germany

The national airline of Mongolia, MIAT Mongolian Airlines, has joined the Board of Airline Representatives in Germany (BARIG). The international association advocates for the mutual interests of around 100 national and international airlines in the areas cargo, passenger and charter.

Image Source: barig.aero

“We are pleased to welcome MIAT Mongolian Airlines to our association. The airline records a long tradition and an interesting international route network with destinations in Europe and Asia,” BARIG Secretary General Michael Hoppe states.

MIAT Mongolian Airlines exists since 1956 and serves currently eight international destinations via its home airport in Ulan Bator, Mongolia’s capital city. Besides cities such as Peking, Hong Kong, Seoul and Tokyo the airline further offers connections to Frankfurt (nonstop from and to Ulan Bator) and Berlin-Tegel (via Moscow-Scheremetjevo), both three times a week. MIAT Mongolian Airlines registers over half a million passengers annually.

In this context, Battur Davaakhuu, President & CEO from MIAT Mongolian Airlines, explains: “We highly appreciate BARIG’s work in representing airline interests vis-à-vis economic players, political bodies, airport operators and media. We are therefore greatly looking forward to provide active contribution and are happy to benefit from the various advantages that come with such an association membership.”

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